Sunday, December 16, 2012

News Release

Traffic Fusion announces major enhancement to its Surfing For Referrals (SFR) Program
Vancouver, Canada December 21, 2012 /CNW/ - is pleased to announce a major adjustment and enhancement of it's revolutionary "Surfing For Referrals" (SFR) Program.
Previously, when members earned a downline by surfing 50 sites a day, referrals have been handed out in the order that they joined Traffic Fusion, regardless of their level of upgrade or activity. Effective today going forward, we will now be sorting the order that referrals are earned by; 1st) Upgraded Level Status and 2nd) Level of Activity.

Our highest upgraded and active members will now be placed first with members who earn them by surfing. 
In other words, the incentive to participate in Surfing For Referrals, just got a whole lot better! The chances of members receiving an active, Upgraded member - someone who will earn them a RESIDUAL INCOME for an indefinite period - just increased sharply. In fact at this time, given our "inventory" of upgraded members with no sponsor, you can count on getting one of these upgraded members in the near term. 
We anticipate substantial growth in our membership and our ability to deliver traffic as a result of this seemingly subtle but important adjustment.   

Members will continue to need to be upgraded to participate in the SFR program. The amount of surfing they are required to perform depends on their level - Gold members need to surf 50 sites a day for 7 out of 14 days, Platinum - 5 out of 14 days and Diamond members - only 3 days out of the 14-day period.

Eric Abbott  Louis Paquette
Skype ID: louis.paquette2
(604) 687-5772

Traffic-Fusion Blog
Level        Cost/Month    No.of Days* Commissions
Gold            $4.97             7/14              20%
Platinum      $9.97            5/14              25%
Diamond    $19.97            3/14              30% 
*Number of days member is required to surf 50 sites within a 14-Day period to earn a referral, easy to monitor in member's back office area

EasyHits4U Splash Page
Surfing For Referrals Splash Page
